Lowell National Historical Park

Individuals and groups seeking volunteer opportunities can help the park in a variety of ways.


JoAnn Marcos, Volunteer Program Manager
P. 978-275-1779

Visitor Center:
246 Market St.
Lowell, MA 01852
General Phone: (978) 970-5000



Volunteer in Visitor Services: Assist visitors at the front desk by answering questions about the park and telling the stories of Lowell.
Volunteer as a Museum Guide: Museum Guides engage visitors, provide informal talks, and share stories of Lowell’s past and present.
Volunteer as a First Mate: Volunteers on our canal boats get to spend their day on the water assisting boat captains by securing lines, opening gatehouses, and assisting with visitor safety!
Volunteer at the Lowell Folk Festival: Volunteers at the Lowell Folk Festival will work with community members at a job of their choice: set up, take down, stage assistant, bucket brigade, sales, information booth, music logging, transportation, and more.

Learn about all of the ways you can help, here: https://www.nps.gov/lowe/getinvolved/supportyourpark/vol-jobs.htm

Last Updated: 2023